Bridgefolk 2015

Ecumenical healing and
the mystery of the communion of saints

Fourteenth annual Bridgefolk conference
August 20-23, 2015
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, IN

Keynote Speakers:
Nozomu Yamada and Fr. Alfonso Fausone SVD,
both from Nanzan University in Japan

The communion of saints — the spiritual union of Christians living and dead — was the theme of the 2015 Bridgefolk gathering at AMBS.  Our keynote speakers were from Nanzan University in Japan. They shared the amazing story of Mennonite student Jun Yamada’s healing from leukemia more than 25 years ago, the prayers for the intercession of Joseph Freinademetz that Catholics offered for him, the Vatican’s recognition of Jun’s healing as a miracle, and the new paths of peacemaking that are flowing from these events.

To learn more about the story of how the miraculous healing of a Japanese Mennonite confirmed a Catholic sainthood…

  • click here for Mennonite World Review article, or
  • click here for full account by Nozomu Yamada and Alan Kreider.